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Content examples

Survey prompts

This page both demonstrates how RRM:E survey sign-up works, as well as documents how to implement the prompts.

Test the manual survey invocation

Survey Prompt Overview

A publisher can configure one or more surveys for manual invocation by using an initialized swg.js instance. In order to use this feature:

  1. The publisher will create a survey in the Publisher Center content access section for their publication.
  2. The publisher will fetch a valid prompt using the configurationId, and then display it.
  3. When configuring the prompt display code, a publisher will provide a callback that will be used to store the responses from the newsletter signup, and acknowledge to Google that the email address has been saved.

Prompt Configuration Examples

      "name": "Basic survey",
      "configurationId": "49c12712-9750-4571-8c67-96722561c13a"
      "name": "Multi-page survey",
      "configurationId": "e98a2efb-d009-43c9-99ef-dda11c8c5a7f"

After creating a configuration, the Publisher Center page will provide a configurationId in response for each newsletter configuration. These ids will then be used in subsequent javascript api calls.

    name: 'Basic survey',
    configurationId: '49c12712-9750-4571-8c67-96722561c13a',
    name: 'Multi-page survey',
    configurationId: 'e98a2efb-d009-43c9-99ef-dda11c8c5a7f',

Invoke Survey Prompts

To configure survey prompts, swg.js must first be configured on the page. These examples show using the initialization of the library in manual mode, but the APIs are also available in automatic mode.

Get the prompt instance to display

To invoke a survey prompt, a publisher must use the configurationId from the Publisher Center survey configuration page. Publishers use the configurationId to fetch a valid prompt instance using the subscriptions.getAvailableInterventions() method from the initialized swg.js library.

const publisherConfiguration = {
  name: 'Basic survey',
  configurationId: '49c12712-9750-4571-8c67-96722561c13a',

const availableInterventions = await subscriptions.getAvailableInterventions();

const prompt = availableInterventions.find(({configurationId}) => {
    return configurationId === publisherConfiguration.configurationId;

Show the prompt

To display a prompt, use the returned value from subscriptions.getAvailableInterventions() and use the show method:

    isClosable: true,
    onResult: (result) => {
        //Store the result, which is the email of the newsletter signup.

        //Return true to let Google know that you have received and processed
        //the returned email.
        return true;

Handle the response

The onResult callback will include information on the configuration used to create the prompt, as well as the newsletter subscriber's information. The configurationId matches the `configurationId provided to the publisher from Google, in response to the configuration authored by the publisher in the initial step.

onResult() callback conforms to the documented type in github.

The contents of a prompt determines the shape of the onResult callback data. For example, a single-page survey response will differ in shape from a multi-page survey. For best results, store the entire result.

Complete Example

This complete example accomplishes the following:

  1. Initializes swg.js library in manual mode.
  2. When the library is ready, use the 49c12712-9750-4571-8c67-96722561c13a configurationId to request a prompt to display.
  3. When the button is clicked, display the prompt.
  4. Store the results of a successful prompt with the sample PromptPersistence() library.

PromptPersistence() is an example implementation.

In a production environment, a publisher would use the prompt response to send data to the publisher's customer management system or equivalent.

<!-- manual swg.js initialization -->
<script async

<!-- configuring swg.js to invoke and handle newsletter prompts -->
<script type="module">

// Example library for storing email signups
import {PromptPersistence} from './prompt-persistence.js';
const promptCache = new PromptPersistence();

const promptConfigurations = [
    name: 'Basic survey',
    configurationId: '49c12712-9750-4571-8c67-96722561c13a',
    name: 'Multi-page survey',
    configurationId: 'e98a2efb-d009-43c9-99ef-dda11c8c5a7f',

const buttonContainer = document.querySelector('#prompts');

(self.SWG = self.SWG || []).push(async (subscriptions) => {
  subscriptions.configure({paySwgVersion: '2'});

  // Configure the event manager to log all events to the console
  const eventManager = await subscriptions.getEventManager();

  const availableInterventions =
    await subscriptions.getAvailableInterventions();

  // For debugging, view all available interventions in the browser console

  const availableInterventionConfigurationIds =
    (availableIntervention) => availableIntervention.configurationId

  for (const promptConfiguration of promptConfigurations) {
    const buttonEnabledState = availableInterventionConfigurationIds.includes(


<!--  The following helper functions are not required, 
      but help to provide a clear syntax in the above example. -->

// Helper function for returning a specific prompt (if available) from all interventions
async function getPrompt(availableInterventions, specifiedConfigurationId) {
  return availableInterventions.find(({configurationId}) => {
    return configurationId === specifiedConfigurationId;

// Launch a given prompt
async function launchSpecificPrompt(prompt) {
    isClosable: true,
    onResult: (result) => {

// Helper function for creating a button to launch a prompt
async function createButtonForPrompt(
) {
  const button = document.createElement('button');
  const prompt = await getPrompt(

  if (buttonEnabledState == true) {
    button.onclick = () => {
  } else {
    button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');

  button.textContent = `${buttonEnabledState == false ? '✅' : ''} ${}`;
